Registered Providers

Capacity to partner country-wide

The pressures faced by Registered Providers continues to grow as demand for affordable general housing increases along with regulation and changes legislation impacting on your  ability to meet demand and your tenants ability to sustain their tenancies.

Growing numbers of Registered Providers who also have supported housing stock with a range of particularly vulnerable tenants are considering partnering with specialist organisations who are in a good place to and able to offer higher levels of housing support to those tenants.

At Amber, we only provide housing management and support for individuals who have a learning disability or mental health support need.

We already have arrangements in place with a number or Registered Providers we have the capacity to partner with many more.  Our partnering arrangements are currently mainly across London Boroughs and Kent, however, we also provide supported living services in Lincolnshire and have a presence in service delivery in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

Talk to us today and find out more about partnering with Amber Housing. 

Call us on: 0207 866 2328

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